Tennessee Music Awards

This past week has to be one of my favorites! I just recently got back from spending the weekend in Memphis, Tennessee where I was lucky enough to play at numerous venues around the downtown area. I got to meet so many new people who share a love for music, and also got to catch up with old friends as well! I’m not gonna lie, I am definitely guilty of blasting Marc Cohn’s ‘Walking In Memphis’ through the speakers of my car half the time I was there haha. Then, on my way back to Nashville I stopped in Jackson, Tennessee (this time, blasting ‘Jackson’ by Johnny Cash through my speakers) for the 2nd annual Tennessee Music Awards.

Many of you might already have known that I was recently nominated this past summer as Tennessee’s top “Female Vocalist of the Year”, which was a huge honor, nonetheless. But never in a million years did I think that I would actually win! Let me start off by saying, I know for a fact that I am not the most talented female vocalist in Tennessee - I mean, come on. Any time I am walking down Broadway, I hear so many other talented women in this town alone. But the fact that my fans took time out of their busy schedules to even consider me, vote for me, and to give me the opportunity to be recognized as the “Female Vocalist of the Year”?! That seems crazy to me… It still doesn’t feel like real life to me! I will end this blog entry with what I managed to say before I teared up on stage, on Monday night when I was handed the award - I am so beyond blessed. If it wasn’t for God, my family, my friends and my fans I would be absolutely nowhere. So thank you guys, truly! I love y’all!!!!
