A Thankful Heart

With American Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow (Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October), I figured I would write a little post of some of the things that I am most thankful for this year. I couldn’t decide an order for them, so the list is not numbered.

Family - I have no clue where I’d be without the constant unconditional love and support my family has always been since day one. No matter what I do, no matter how big and crazy my dreams are, my family always stands behind me and I will forever be grateful for that. I couldn't have asked to have a better family than the one that I have.

Friends - Though my family is kinda forced to put up with me, my friends choose (for some crazy reason) to continue to stick around. Having a career in the music industry leaves me with very little time to devote to relationships, but the ones that I do devote time to are worth it, hands down. Life gets busy, we all know that. I am lucky enough to have the kind of friends that are always gonna be there for me, and vice versa, even if we haven’t talked in weeks or months.

Health - If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ll know I kinda went MIA for quite a little bit this summer. After seeing numerous doctors for weeks on end, no one could seem to figure out what was wrong with me for the longest time. It was a really difficult time in my life, and me being the irrational, overemotional girl that I am, I thought “What if I die?”. Obviously I didn’t, thanks to my guardian angels who work overtime. But even so, I’ve come a long ways from where I was a few months ago and I am so happy I’m no longer sick, and starting to feel like I’m getting back to my normal self.

My House - In March of this year, I got the opportunity to travel to Guatemala with a group of people from my hometown church. We spent 10 days there, helping to build a hospital in an isolated village about 8 hours away from Guatemala City. During my time there, we got to do some home visits and bring people who were really in need food, supplies, and clothes. I will never forget that trip. It really made me realize how lucky I am to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and clean water whenever I am thirsty. So many of the people we met were living in little tiny shacks, made of sticks and a tarp. I just think it’s easy for us to take it for granted and I’m forever thankful that God has blessed me like He has.

God - I know this sounds super cliche, but I am just thankful for God and His constant hand in my life. The opportunities that He brings about constantly, and the fact that He hasn't given up on me yet.. even though most days, I’m a hot mess. I’m also really thankful that He surrounds me in my times of need, and equips me daily to face the craziness of this life. Of course I’m thankful for so much more than that, but we could be here for a while if I listed everything!

With all of that being said, I really just encourage you guys to think about some things that you can be thankful for this year while celebrating Thanksgiving. I know there’s a lot of things going on in this world that can make you angry, or sad.. And it’s even easier to keep thinking about those things. But try to remember the good things you have, and how lucky we are to still be alive and breathing. Whatever is good, whatever is right, whatever is lovely - try to focus on those things.

Happy Thanksgiving friends!
